Make Tantrums A Thing Of The Past


Tantrums Are A Child's Plea For Attention


Whether there's something a child wants or something he or she doesn't want, a tantrum is a means of communication. Tantrums usually occur when the child's pleas are being ignored, denied, or not dealt with in a manner the child finds satisfying. Sometimes used as a means of coercion and other times as a response to force or threats, tantrums usually reflect a lack of structure. The child clearly understands that changing his or her parents' mind is all that's necessary to change the outcome of the situation.


Having a behavioral system in place allows parents to leave the consequences of the child's actions up to the pre-established system, reducing the child's anxiety with a predictable outcome and freeing themselves from creative punishment on the go, which usually falls during the most frustrating or trying conditions.


So, if you'd like to simplify your life, give your child a structure to thrive under and finally rid yourself from the repeating dynamics that bring about tantrums, the answer is simple. Implement a system that provides children the incentives and rewards they need to manage their own behavior, to strive to do better and grow self-esteem doing it, to recognize, verbalize and understand emotions within themselves and others, to learn social skills and have fun doing it, to grow aware of consequences and become smart decision makers and to gain the knowledge they need to develop a healthy moral code.


Easier Said Than Done?

Not Anymore!


With the help of GOOD PUPPY, your own super sidekick, child behavior becomes the most fun and important game in your child’s life. Created to curb behavior in children, ages 3 to 9, the system is designed with empathetic 2D images children understand from a very young age, making it inclusive of children suffering from color-blindness, dyslexia and some dissociative disorders. Follow the system or implement the tools that best serve your child.


Change Expectations!


Start Curbing Child Behavior And Family Dynamics With The GOOD PUPPY Children Behavioral & Emotional System

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Resounding Talismans For Expecting Parents


Transform Child Behavior in Just One Day