Gather Your Magic Stones!
Choose your stones according to their intended purpose. Try to aquire stones from each of the 12 frequencies, in order to cover the entire spectrum. Stones may be used on the body, always with a polished side touching the skin, for health purposes. You may also choose to create a palm stone collection, for uses in Reiki, or rough stones for energy work. Read the health benefits of each stone and make sure to download your collectible card. You can print each card to keep them in you stones apothecary.
The Health Benefits of Clear Quartz
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The Master Healer may be used for any condition.
It amplifies energy, thought & other crystals.
Absorbs, stores, releases & regulates energy.
Draws off negative energy & eliminates toxins.
Enhances energy flow and brings the body into balance.
Stimulates the immune & circulatory systems.
Heals digestive disorders, kidney & bladder infections.
Treats headaches, migraines & vertigo.
Increases energy improving lethargy & exhaustion.
Improves metabolism & assists with weight loss.
The Health Benefits of Black Tourmaline
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Balances the right-left sides of the brain.
Helps treat paranoia & overcome dyslexia.
Improves hand-eye coordination.
Balances male-female energy within the body.
Detoxifies the entire body.
Removes blockages & enhances physical well-being.
Increases vitality, emotional stability & intellectual acuity.
Releases tension, making it helpful for spinal adjustments.
Treats disorders of the digestive tract.
Deflects radiation energy.
The Health Benefits of Ruby
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Strengthens the heart, myocardium, ventricles & coronaries.
Stimulates good circulation & blood flow.
Treats disorders or diseases of the heart.
Detoxifies the body, blood & lymphatic system.
Treats fevers, infectious diseases & restricted blood flow.
Stimulates the adrenals, kidneys, reproductive organs & spleen.
Assists in regulating menstrual flow & alleviating its pain.
Treats sexual dysfunction, impotence, infertility & early menopause
Helpful during pregnancy, especially for older women.
Promotes optimum formation of children in the embryonic state.
The Health Benefits of Amethyst
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Heals diseases of the lungs & respiratory tract.
Tunes the endocrine system & boosts hormone production.
Heals digestive tract & skin conditions.
Strengthens the immune system.
Destroys malignant tumors & heals cellular disorders.
Aids in tissue regeneration & cleanses the blood.
Reduces pain, bruising, swelling & injuries.
Eases headaches & releases tension.
Treats hearing disorders.
Relieves physical, emotional & psychological pain or stress.
The Health Benefits of Purple Fluorite
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A natural antiviral, immune stimulator & anti-inflammatory agent.
Stimulates the regeneration & restructuring of cells & DNA.
Strengthens teeth & bones, alleviates rheumatism & arthritis.
Treats bone injuries, osteoporosis & posture damage.
Beneficial to the skin, mucous membranes & respiratory tract.
Treats colds, flu, sinusitis, bronchitis, emphysema & pneumonia.
Relieves staph & strep infections.
Treats wounds, cankers, herpes, ulcers, shingles & gout.
Relieves nerve-related pain.
Balances the brain’s chemistry & relieves mental disturbances.
The Health Benefits of Lapis Lazuli
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Heals the thyroid, throat, larynx & vocal chords.
Benefits the respiratory & nervous systems.
Relieves general pain and inflammations.
Purifies blood & lowers blood pressure.
Cleanses organs, bone marrow & thymus.
Boosts the immune system.
Heals oozing or septic sties & other eye or skin infections.
Reduces bruising, heals skin problems & insect bites.
Alleviates insomnia & vertigo.
Overcomes depression.
The Health Benefits of Sodalite
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Clears electromagnetic pollution in the environment.
Helps treat problems associated with radiation.
Heals the throat, larynx, vocal cords & hoarseness.
Balances the metabolism.
Boosts the immune system.
Stimulates the absorption of body fluids.
Helps overcomes calcium deficiencies.
Eases digestion & treats digestive disorders.
Cools fevers & lowers blood pressure.
Reduces insomnia.
The Health Benefits of Lace Agate
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Balances the fluid around the brain & enhances mental function.
Improves concentration, perception & analytical abilities.
Soothes tension headaches & high blood pressure.
Relieves inflammation of the thyroid & neck glands.
Helpful to the heart & blood vessels.
Accelerates the repair of bones, treats arthritis & bone deformity.
Stimulates the digestive system & relieves gastritis.
Heals skin disorders & itching due to insect bites.
Beneficial for hollow organs (stomach, uterus, intestines, etc.).
Beneficial for the eyes.
The Health Benefits of Apatite
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Aids in the absorption of calcium.
Suppresses hunger & raises the metabolic rate.
Encourages the formation of new cells.
Helps heal teeth, bones & cartilage.
Treats rickets, joint problems, arthritis & motor skills.
Supports the healing of all glands, meridians & organs.
Reduces hypertension.
Soothes headaches, vertigo & dizziness.
Stimulates eyesight.
Treats eyestrain & issues from lack of eye movement.
The Health Benefits of Turquoise
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Aids in the absorption of nutrients.
Boosts the immune system.
Stimulates the regeneration of tissue & heals the whole body.
Anti-inflammatory & detoxifying.
Purifies the lungs, soothes & clears sore throats.
Neutralizes over-acidity in the body.
Fights viral infections.
Alleviates headaches, cramps & pain.
Treats rheumatism, gout & stomach problems.
Heals the eyes, including cataracts.
The Health Benefits of Larimar
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Regulates proper function of the immune system.
Balances the thyroid & heals inflammation.
Heals blocked arteries & relieves high blood pressure.
Removes blockages of energy in the head, neck & chest.
Treats cartilage & constricted joints.
Heals the throat & gives relief during colds & flu.
It helps kill germs, molds & fungus.
Treats skin disorders, like eczema, hives & psoriasis.
Relieves frazzled nerves & stress-related illnesses.
Soothes the body, pregnancy & hot flashes.
The Health Benefits of Emerald
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Treats disorders of the heart, lungs, spine & muscular system.
Detoxifies the liver & aids in recovery after infectious illness
Alleviates diabetes & rheumatism.
Treats the gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys & re-vitalizes organs.
Assists in the healing of malignant conditions.
Helps sinuses, allergies & averts sinusitis.
Wards off epilepsy, fever & headaches.
Soothes the eyes, improves vision & restores eyesight.
Relieves eczema, rashes & skin irritations.
Rejuvenates & combats aging.
The Health Benefits of Malachite
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The Midwife Stone balances mood swings.
Alleviates cramps, menopause & facilitates labor.
Boosts the immune & nervous systems.
Lowers blood pressure & stimulates the liver to release toxins.
Treats asthma, epilepsy, vertigo & travel sickness.
Helps heal fractures, torn muscles, broken bones & arthritis.
Relieves cold sweats, malaria & Parkinson’s disease.
Destroys growths & tumors.
Heals the pancreas, the spleen & the parathyroid.
Heals the optic nerve & repairs DNA & cellular structure.
The Health Benefits of Peridot
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Releases & neutralizes toxins on all levels.
Strengthens the immune system & metabolism.
Balances the endocrine system & benefits the skin.
Supports the assimilation of nutrients from food, water & light.
Improves function of the gall bladder, liver, pancreas & spleen.
Aids disorders of the heart, thymus, lungs & intestinal tract.
Supports the digestive system & treats ulcers.
Facilitates the birthing process & lessens pain.
Strengthens eyes & balances bipolar disorders.
Helps overcome hypochondria, depression & melancholy.
The Health Benefits of Pyrite
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The Caretaker’s Stone shields the body.
Protects from pollutants & contagious diseases.
Aids in the treatment of infectious diseases.
Heals skin diseases & fungal infections.
Lessens fevers & reduces inflammation.
Increases oxygen supply to the blood.
Strengthens the respiratory & circulatory systems.
May be useful in fighting colds, the flu & viruses.
Assists in treatments of bone structure & cell formation.
Helps prevent & repair DNA damage.
The Health Benefits of Amber
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Bears a charge of static electricity.
Promotes tissue regeneration.
Anti-inflammatory, treats ulcers & boils.
Strong calming effects.
Lessens the pain associated with teething.
Promotes blood circulation to remove blood stasis.
Assists in regulating palpitations, amnesia, insomnia.
Aids in the treatment of epilepsy.
Helps treat lower abdominal pains affecting genitalia.
Alleviates water retention & difficulty in urination.
The Health Benefits of Tiger Eye
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Boost the endocrine system, balancing hormones & biochemistry.
Fortifies the blood, increasing vitality & strength.
Lowers blood pressure.
Rebalances the brain’s hemispheres & relieves depression.
Relieves asthma attacks & angina.
Heals disorders of the eyes, throat & improves night vision.
Releases toxins & alleviates pain.
Eases issues of the stomach, gall bladder & reproductive organs.
Stimulates the repair of broken bones.
Strengthens the alignment of the spinal column.
The Health Benefits of Red Carnelian
Increases circulation, strength & stamina.
Improves digestion & nutrient absorption.
Accelerates healing in bones & ligaments.
Treats back troubles, rheumatism, arthritis & neuralgia.
Regulates the kidneys & stimulates the metabolism.
Detoxifies from drugs & alcohol & helps end addictions.
Minimizes symptoms of menstruation & menopause.
Improves fertility on both sexes, reduces frigidity & impotence.
Heals boils, congestion, hemorrhoids, phlebitis & varicose veins.
Treats skin problems & nose bleeds.
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The Health Benefits of Red Jasper
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Strengthens the heart & enhances circulation.
Detoxifies the circulatory system, blood & liver.
Removes blockages of the liver & bile ducts.
Treats anemia, exhaustion & heart conditions.
Stops nosebleeds & reduces hemorrhoids.
Increases strength, vitality & physical stamina.
Helps generate muscle tissue. Increases libido & fertility.
Helps stabilize pregnancies & promotes fetal growth.
Calms the emotions.
The Health Benefits of Garnet
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Assists with regeneration & revitalization.
Boosts the immune system & metabolism.
Increases libido & energy levels.
Detoxifies the body & improves circulation.
Purifies the blood, the heart & lungs.
Aids in the treatment of problems associated with blood.
Stabilizes cardiac rhythm (not for arterial hypertension).
Treats disorders of the spine, spinal fluid & bones.
Regenerates DNA & cellular structure.
Reduces arthritic & rheumatic pain.
The Health Benefits of Rhodochrosite
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Assists the heart & stimulates blood circulation.
Stabilizes blood pressure & pulse rate.
Balances the thyroid & the nervous system.
Stimulates the kidneys & reproductive organs.
Alleviates digestive disorders, constipation & abdominal pain.
Treats stomach ulcers & skin disorders.
Relieves infections, such as ear or sinus & other inflammations.
Relieves somatization caused by stress, depression or anxiety.
Relieves tension migraines.
Restores eyesight.

Seize The Benefits Of Gemstones
For ages, stones have been worn around the neck and on the body in order to promote optimal physical, psychical and emotional health.