Discover The Healing Powers Of Nature


Tap Into Natural Remedies Used For Millennia

Find natural cures, seize marvelous healing benefits, and take control of your health and your family’s well-being.


Seize The Benefits Of Foods


Bringing consciousness to food has the power to improve our health and liberate us from chemicals and pharmaceutical cocktail dependency.


The Health Benefits Of Salt And Water

While neither salt not water are conductive elements on their own, the correct ratio of the two create a conductive medium, the same medium that creates life.

Water: Through The Looking Glass

Explore he emotional connections to water.

The Gluten-Free Leap

Uncover the mystery of the stones. Understand the connections implied in all old texts, and learn how to implement that knowledge to improve your health.

The Gluten Free Pantry

Simply arranged, this curated selection of gluten-free goods cover most grocery lists, for an easy switch into a gluten-free diet.


Seize The Curative Properties Of Gemstones


For ages, stones have been worn around the neck and on the body in order to promote optimal physical, mental, and emotional health.


Unveil The Legacy

Uncover the mystery of the stones. Understand the connections implied in all old texts, and learn how to implement that knowledge to improve your health.

Discover The Frequencies Of The Stones

Understand the stone’s colors and frequencies, and their correspondences to the times of the year and the human body.

Explore The Health Benefits Of The Stones

Find out what stones can do for you. Collect the cards, and bring the secrets home!

Build Your Own Stones Apothecary

Build a well-rounded apothecary including all 12 frequencies.


Learn To Play


Although we learn playing, some of us need to learn to play all over again.


Take Two To Tango

A curated selection of thinkers that help us look beyond the boundaries of our programmed perception of reality.

Talk To Your Angel

Understand the stone’s colors and frequencies, and their correspondences to the times of the year and the human body.

Follow Your Intuition

Build a well-rounded apothecary including all 12 frequencies.

Keep Your Angel By Your Heart

Understand the stone’s colors and frequencies, and their correspondences to the times of the year and the human body.

Improve Family Dynamics


Although we learn playing, some of us need to learn to play all over again.


Say Good Bye To Tantrums

Understand the stone’s colors and frequencies, and their correspondences to the times of the year and the human body.

Teach Children To Transmute Emotions

Build a well-rounded apothecary including all 12 frequencies.

Create The Right Incentives

A curated selection of thinkers that help us look beyond the boundaries of our programmed perception of reality.

Adopt A Nightlight

Find out what stones can do for you. Collect the cards, and bring the secrets home!


Gain The Knowledge


For ages, stones have been worn around the neck and on the body in order to promote optimal physical, mental, and emotional health.


Wisdom Alley

A curated selection of thinkers that help us look beyond the boundaries of our programmed perception of reality.

The Big Picture

Understand the stone’s colors and frequencies, and their correspondences to the times of the year and the human body.

Cymatics And The Nature Of Symbols

Find out what stones can do for you. Collect the cards, and bring the secrets home!