Learn To Play Again


Rediscover the joy and healing energy of play. From dance to games, play is our innate way to learn, connect, and let go. As adults, we often grow serious and forget this vital practice. Reclaiming time to play not only rejuvenates the mind but also keeps it flexible, fostering growth and youthful curiosity.


Ora Et Labora

Let your practice be your prayer. Dance is a chance for meditation and transmutation. A chance to explore your connection to your higher self.

Talk To Your Angel

Understand the stone’s colors and frequencies, and their correspondences to the times of the year and the human body.

Follow Your Intuition

Download your free collectible cards and build a well-rounded apothecary including all 12 frequencies.

Keep Your Angel By Your Heart

Understand the stone’s colors, frequencies, and their language. Uncover their correspondences to times of the year and the human body.

Say Good Bye To Tantrums

Understand the stone’s colors and frequencies, and their correspondences to the times of the year and the human body.

Teach Children To Transmute Emotions

Build a well-rounded apothecary including all 12 frequencies.

Create The Right Incentives

A curated selection of thinkers that help us look beyond the boundaries of our programmed perception of reality.

Adopt A Nightlight

Find out what stones can do for you. Collect the cards, and bring the secrets home!